Clean your insides! If you have been celebrating a little too hard or just need a good injection of nutrients try these!
Make ahead and have in the fridge ready to go. If you have a cold pressed juicer you can make up to 3 days worth and have healthy options available to super hydrate and nourish your body. Remember to to store them in glass jars or bottles.
Just made juice for the family and these are today’s recipes:
💚 Green 💚
Green x 3
Red apples x 2
Celery 1/2
Lemon half
Cucumber x 2
Digestive soother, reduce heat in then body from excess cooked and processed foods, bloating, indigestion and acid build up.
❤️ Red ❤️
Beetroot x 1
Carrots x 4
Apples x 2
Ginger large piece
Turmeric large piece
Lemon 1/2
Cleanser and energizer, blood cleanser and anti inflammatory support
🧡 Orange 🧡
6 carrots
1 small pineapple
1 piece ginger
1 piece turmeric
Immune booster, anitinflammatiry, liver support, circulatory stimulant. Great to expel toxins through the liver pathway.
We wish you all a Very Happy and Safe New Year. thank you for your love and support through 2018!
If you require support with juicing, cleansing and balancing your nutrition, or would like to understand what your body needs based on your lifestyle, do not hesitate to ask one of Naturopaths or Nutritionists. We have extensive experience and can help you find what you need whether you are an elite level athlete as well as any stage of life.
For more recipes to restore your health and energy:
For Healthy Recipes and supplements click the links below!
For more Alkaline Recipes have a look at our Alkaline Cookbook
Eat Well! Be Well & Enjoy Life!
With Love,
Niki Angelopoulos
Naturopath & Live Blood Microscopist
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