Like many, you might still be on a high celebrating the Dogies win over the weekend, but feeling worse for wear for it today. One of the quickest ways to recover and restore your body from a boozy hangover is to refuel with Green liquid gold. Not only will you rehydrate your body, you will give that poor liver a boost of nutrients to help it function more effectively. You will also saturate your body with Alkalising vitamins, minerals and nutrients and start the week on a positive note.
Juicing is nature's best multivitamin that can be tailored to give you an abundance of energy as well as increase your body's healing potential by supporting organs and systems to function at an optimal level.
If you're still feeling seedy, start your day with 1 litre of water with the juice of 1 whole lemon to kickstart the liver cleansing process. Follow this with our favourite Alkaline juice recipe, that is perfect as a breakfast juice, pick me up or as a regular staple in your Alkaline diet.
More on juicing.....
Using a Cold pressed slow juicer will result in a quality, nutrient dense and intact juice. By 'pressing' the liquid rather than shredding and crushing fruits and veggies, you protect as many of the delicate nutrients from being damaged and slow down the deterioration and oxidation process. What this means is a highly nutritious juice, with a high bioavailability of nutrition available to you. It also means a longer fridge life for your juice. Ideally you would drink fresh juice as you make it, but if you want to an extra bottle to work with you then investing in a quality juicer is essential for ultimate health.
Another benefit is that there is less waste. By pressing the juice slowly, all the liquid is extracted leaving behind a very dry fibrous pulp. This means, more juice, less waste and money savings for you $$!
Juicers that are cheap, fast and sound like a they are shredding your fresh produce result in a much lower quality juice and oxidise at a faster rate of 3-4 hours as compared to approximately 48 hours when using a Cold pressed slow juicer.
Which juicer is the right juicer?
Over the years, I have tried and tested about 10 juicers. This includes everything from the cheaper commercialised brands to the very expensive. For the last 4 years, I have Loved using my Kuvings Cold Pressed Juicer. It is efficient, makes a clean well filtered and pure juice, has minimal waste and takes pride on my kitchen bench. It has a wide mouth which means little to no chopping so juicing is quick. It is my daily 'go to' to start the day and to sustain my energy in that mid afternoon busy period. It is very easy to clean, and you don't need an engineer to pull it apart and put it back together.
Other than drinking clean water, drinking fresh juice daily is my number 1 tip to feeling great, staying young and vibrant and slowing down the ageing process.
Start your day with 500ml of Alkalising fresh green juice every day and experience clear thinking, focus, reduced sugar cravings and efficiency at work.
Alkaline Morning Blast Juice
1 continental cucumber
3 sticks celery
Large handful of English spinach
1 green apple
1/2 whole lemon
Wash and chop your produce.
Add all ingredients to the juicer and enjoy your fresh cold pressed juice.
I'd like to do a juice cleanse, how do I start?
If you have always wanted to start a cleanse and not sure how or where to start, give us a call. We offer juice and liquid cleanse programmes that can be tailored to suit you, your lifestyle and personal needs. You can choose to complete 3, 7, 14 or 21 day juice cleanses to clean, heal and reset your body.
With Spring in the air now is a great time to do some internal house keeping and give your body that well needed break, especially with the party season fast approaching us.
If you'd like to know more about starting a juice cleanse call us at the office and speak to Niki our Naturopath for your FREE 15min assessment over the phone.